Featured as an expert in Marie Claire women's monthly print magazine in Hungary

Article about single households where I talk about mental well-being, November 2022

Featured as an expert in the weekly print women's magazine Meglepetes in Hungary

The first Christmas after a divorce, 12.13.2022 

How to maintain a good relationship with our adult children? 11.08.2022

How to tell my opinion about parenting my grandkids? 09.27.2022

My boss is humiliating me. How long shall I let him do this? 09.06.2022

I am unable to forgive. How can I work through my grievance?  08.09.2022

How to deal with arrogant people? 06.14.2022

How to deal with inflation anxiety? 05.24.2022

Article about me in Anya magazin, print magazine for mothers in Hungary

Do you give up yourself when you support your partner's career? April 2020

Featured as an expert in Családi Lap, monthly print  magazine for families in Hungary

I'm not a good mother, October 2021

Featured in Családi Lap, monthly print magazine for families in Hungary

Hungarian moms abroad, May 2019

Featured in Nők Lapja, Hungarian weekly women's magazine

Idegenben idegenként - Külföldi élet és a kulturális sokk, 2017.07.12. V. Kulcsár Ildikó írása

My articles in Életforma online women's magazine in Hungary